
Product Details


Panel Medium Voltage

Electricity is one of the sources of energy that is used everywhere starting from the household to the large industries scale.  GROOT PERKASA through GROOT KARYA PERSADA (GKP) as its subsidiary one of GKP's business fields is the electrical sector. This work includes planning, procurement to installation of electrical systems in a project.

As one of the most important parts in the electrical system in an industry is the Medium Voltage Panel or Medium Voltage Panel. MV Panel or more precisely the MVMDP Panel (Medium Voltage Main Distribution Panel) which functions as a distribution panel / divider after the PLN substation, then this MV PANEL distributes electricity with a voltage of 20 kV and then from the MVMDP panel it will proceed to the Transformer / Transformer step down 20 kV to 380/220 V. For the purposes of planning and needing this MV Panel, for more detailed information, please contact us.
